(j ) Relationship with Federal Rules of Procedure. Following coordination with the appropriate commander, a response may further include whether installations, facilities, ships, or aircraft may be visited or inspected what, if any, conditions will be imposed upon any release, interview, contact, testimony, visit, or inspection what, if any, fees shall be charged or waived for access under the fee assessment considerations set forth in § 725.11 and what, if any, claims of privilege, pursuant to this instruction, may be invoked before any tribunal. (b ) If required by the scope of their respective delegations, determining authorities' responses may include: consultation and coordination with the Department of Justice or the appropriate United States Attorney as required referral of matters proprietary to another DOD component to that component determination whether official information originated by the Navy may be released in litigation and determination whether DOD personnel assigned to or affiliated with the Navy may be interviewed, contacted, or used as witnesses concerning official DOD information or as expert or opinion witnesses.